Well, here you are — applying for Chi Alpha leadership! You are probably pretty excited, maybe hopeful, and even a little nervous about it all. Trust us, we definitely understand.

The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Timothy that anyone who sets his or her heart on being a leader desires a noble task. Chi Alpha leaders serve sacrificially, but the benefits and rewards of servant leadership will continue on into eternity.

We are SO excited to walk with you in the great adventure of Chi Alpha leadership!

Please carefully read the Chi Alpha student leadership conduct agreement and our vision, mission, core values and beliefs. After reading this, we invite you to apply below. Application deadline is April 12th at 11:59pm.

This year Chi Alpha staff and small group leaders will process your applications and conduct interviews based on those applications. Interviews will take place the week of April 15th. Please carefully read the outline below and come to your interview with any questions or concerns. We encourage you to bring up anything that you do not agree with or understand.

Dear Chi Alpha Student Leadership Applicant,

Chi Alpha Student Leadership Application

We appreciate your involvement in Chi Alpha and your interest in serving in a leadership role in the ministry. This application is designed so you can:

  1. Describe your relationship with God,

  2. Share your experience in Chi Alpha and church, and,

  3. Discuss your concept of leadership and availability to serve.

Chi Alpha Vision, Mission and Core Beliefs

Chi Alpha Student Leadership Conduct Agreement