Who We Are
Because of the call of Jesus to disciple the nations we seek to invite the university students of Richmond VA into real devotional life, real community, and real responsibility with the purpose of forming mature disciples who will be able to transform the university, marketplace and the world.
Real Devotional Life. Real Community. Real Responsibility.
These three anchors inform who we are as disciples and what we do as a community. We aim to have a vibrant devotional life, to connect with each other, and to share with others what God has done in our lives.
What We Believe
Everything we do revolves around the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The meaning of the term Gospel actually means “Good News,” and we believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly is the greatest news ever told. But what is the Gospel? It is a recognition that all of us have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), that we cannot earn our salvation through good works (Ephesians 2:1-10), that Jesus came to this earth and lived a perfect life (Philippians 2:6-8), sacrificially died on the cross and rose on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) to pay the price of our sin, overcome death and evil, and to not only secure our eternal future but give us purpose for our life now.
Here are our gospel centered beliefs:
We believe in One God, who exists in 3 persons – Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible. We believe it is inspired by God and has authoritative instruction for our lives.
We believe in community. We want Chi Alpha to be a place where people experience authentic love and care for each other and are able to connect to God and other people.
We believe in small groups. Everything we do flows out of our small groups. Discipleship, Community, Outreach and Events all come out of our small groups. We love Wednesday Night live but our small groups are where you really get connected.
We believe in worshiping together. Our Wednesday Night Live gatherings are a celebration of what is happening in our community. We sing, pray, laugh, and learn together as one big group.
We believe in having fun. Too often Christians are looked at as downers. Not us. Memories are made through laughing and playing together. That’s why we do so many different things like hangouts, meals, retreats, playing made up games, dance parties etc…If being a Christian really is the best life possible (which it is), then we should also have the most fun.
We believe in being a safe place for people. We understand that everyone is at a different place in their faith. If you are doubting, skeptical, angry, in a rough place, or holding back in some way, you are more than welcome here. This is a safe place to explore your faith and let down your guard.
We believe in admitting we are imperfect. That’s right, no one here is perfect and we’ve all got issues. That’s why we look to a perfect God for answers and purpose.